Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Ni hao!

Yep, we learned to say hello in Chinese.  We've also gotten pretty good at saying thank you  (xie xie... it's A LOT harder than it looks).

China's been a great host (more to come), but there are some things about the world's most populous country that we're still not use to yet.

1. LIMITED INTERNET ACCESS. So, our website is blocked from China (hence why you haven't heard from us in almost two weeks).  And we can't log on Facebook either.  Should've done a little more research before we left.  Oops.  A huge thanks to my bro who's helping us out.

2. INTERPRETING ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS. Thankfully, a lot of signs are in both English and Chinese.  However, the translations aren't always colloquial, so it can take us a moment (or two...or three) to understand things.  Case in point:

3. LOOKING BOTH WAYS 10 TIMES BEFORE CROSSING THE STREET. Traffic patterns here are nothing like we've seen anywhere and scooters dominate the sidewalks.  Imagine being in a live game of Frogger.  We've had a couple close calls, but the fact that we don't blend in with everyone and people slow down to stare at us has probably saved our lives.

We'll post more about what we've actually been up to, but for now - bye! (We don't know how to say goodbye in Chinese yet.)

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